Version 3.18.1

File: app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-local.js

            An extension which provides a sync implementation through locally stored
            key value pairs, either through the HTML localStorage API or falling back
            onto an in-memory cache, that can be mixed into a Model or ModelList subclass.
            @module app
            @submodule model-sync-local
            @since 3.13.0
            An extension which provides a sync implementation through locally stored
            key value pairs, either through the HTML localStorage API or falling back
            onto an in-memory cache, that can be mixed into a Model or ModelList subclass.
            A group of Models/ModelLists is serialized in localStorage by either its
            class name, or a specified 'root' that is provided.
                var User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.Local], {
                    root: 'user'
                var Users = Y.Base.create('users', Y.ModelList, [Y.ModelSync.Local], {
                    model: User,
            @class ModelSync.Local
            @extensionfor Model
            @extensionfor ModelList
            @since 3.13.0
            function LocalSync() {}
            Properties that shouldn't be turned into ad-hoc attributes when passed to a
            Model or ModelList constructor.
            @property _NON_ATTRS_CFG
            @type Array
            @default ['root']
            @since 3.13.0
            LocalSync._NON_ATTRS_CFG = ['root'];
            Feature testing for `localStorage` availability.
            Will return falsey for browsers with `localStorage`, but that don't
            actually work, such as iOS Safari in private browsing mode.
            @property _hasLocalStorage
            @type Boolean
            LocalSync._hasLocalStorage = (function () {
                var LS   =,
                    test = Y.guid();
                try {
                    LS.setItem(test, test);
                    return true;
                } catch (e) {
                    return false;
            Object of key/value pairs to fall back on when localStorage is not available.
            @property _data
            @type Object
            LocalSync._data = LocalSync._data || {};
            Cache to quickly access a specific object with a given ID.
            @property _store
            @type Array
            LocalSync._store = LocalSync._store || {};
            LocalSync.prototype = {
                // -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
                Root used as the key inside of localStorage and/or the in-memory store.
                @property root
                @type String
                @default ""
                @since 3.13.0
                root: '',
                Shortcut for access to localStorage.
                @property storage
                @type Storage
                @default null
                @since 3.13.0
                storage: null,
                // -- Lifecycle Methods -----------------------------------------------------
                initializer: function (config) {
                    var store, data;
                    config || (config = {});
                    if ('root' in config) {
                        this.root = config.root || '';
                    // This is checking to see if the sync layer is being applied to
                    // a ModelList, and if so, is looking for a `root` property on its
                    // Model's prototype instead.
                    if (!this.root && this.model && this.model.prototype.root) {
                        this.root = this.model.prototype.root;
                    if (LocalSync._hasLocalStorage) {
                        store =;
                    } else {
                        Y.log("Could not access localStorage.", "warn");
                    // Pull in existing data from localStorage, if possible.
                    // Otherwise, see if there's existing data on the local cache.
                    if (store) {
                        LocalSync._store[this.root] = store.split('|') || [];
                        Y.Array.each(LocalSync._store[this.root], function (id) {
                            LocalSync._data[id] = Y.JSON.parse(;
                        }, this);
                    } else {
                        LocalSync._store[this.root] || (LocalSync._store[this.root] = []);
                // -- Public Methods -----------------------------------------------------------
                Creates a synchronization layer with the localStorage API, if available.
                Otherwise, falls back to a in-memory data store.
                This method is called internally by load(), save(), and destroy().
                @method sync
                @param {String} action Sync action to perform. May be one of the following:
                  * **create**: Store a newly-created model for the first time.
                  * **read**  : Load an existing model.
                  * **update**: Update an existing model.
                  * **delete**: Delete an existing model.
                @param {Object} [options] Sync options
                @param {Function} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes.
                  @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will
                    contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be
                  @param {Any} [callback.response] The response from our sync. This value will
                    be passed to the parse() method, which is expected to parse it and
                    return an attribute hash.
                sync: function (action, options, callback) {
                    options || (options = {});
                    var response, errorInfo;
                    try {
                        switch (action) {
                            case 'read':
                                if (this._isYUIModelList) {
                                    response = this._index(options);
                                } else {
                                    response = this._show(options);
                            case 'create':
                                response = this._create(options);
                            case 'update':
                                response = this._update(options);
                            case 'delete':
                                response = this._destroy(options);
                    } catch (error) {
                        errorInfo = error.message;
                    if (response) {
                        callback(null, response);
                    } else if (errorInfo) {
                    } else {
                        callback("Data not found in LocalStorage");
                Generate a random GUID for our Models. This can be overriden if you have
                another method of generating different IDs.
                @method generateID
                @param {String} pre Optional GUID prefix
                generateID: function (pre) {
                    return Y.guid(pre + '_');
                // -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
                Sync method correlating to the "read" operation, for a Model List
                @method _index
                @return {Object[]} Array of objects found for that root key
                @since 3.13.0
                _index: function () {
                    var store = LocalSync._store[this.root],
                        data  =, function (id) {
                            return LocalSync._data[id];
                    return data;
                Sync method correlating to the "read" operation, for a Model
                @method _show
                @return {Object} Object found for that root key and model ID
                @since 3.13.0
                _show: function () {
                    return LocalSync._data[this.get('id')] || null;
                Sync method correlating to the "create" operation
                @method _show
                @return {Object} The new object created.
                @since 3.13.0
                _create: function () {
                    var hash  = this.toJSON();
           = this.generateID(this.root);
                    LocalSync._data[] = hash;
                    if ( {
              , Y.JSON.stringify(hash));
                    return hash;
                Sync method correlating to the "update" operation
                @method _update
                @return {Object} The updated object.
                @since 3.13.0
                _update: function () {
                    var hash = this.toJSON(),
                        id = this.get('id');
                    LocalSync._data[id] = hash;
                    if ( {
              , hash);
                    if (Y.Array.indexOf(LocalSync._store[this.root], id) === -1) {
                    return hash;
                Sync method correlating to the "delete" operation.  Deletes the data
                from the in-memory object, and saves into localStorage if available.
                @method _destroy
                @since 3.13.0
                _destroy: function () {
                    var id = this.get('id'),
                        storage =;
                    if (!LocalSync._data[id]) {
                    delete LocalSync._data[id];
                    if (storage) {
                    LocalSync._store[this.root] = Y.Array.filter(LocalSync._store[this.root], function (item) {
                        return != id;
                    return this.toJSON();
                Saves the current in-memory store into a localStorage key/value pair
                if localStorage is available; otherwise, does nothing.
                @method _save
                @since 3.13.0
                _save: function () {
                    if (LocalSync._hasLocalStorage && {
            // -- Namespace ---------------------------------------------------------------
            Y.namespace('ModelSync').Local = LocalSync;