Version 3.18.1

File: button/js/button.js

             * A Button Widget
             * @module button
             * @since 3.5.0
            var ButtonCore = Y.ButtonCore,
                CLASS_NAMES = ButtonCore.CLASS_NAMES,
                ARIA_STATES = ButtonCore.ARIA_STATES,
                ARIA_ROLES = ButtonCore.ARIA_ROLES;
             * Creates a Button
             * @class Button
             * @extends Widget
             * @uses ButtonCore
             * @param config {Object} Configuration object
             * @constructor
            function Button() {
                Button.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
            /* Button extends Widget */
            Y.extend(Button, Y.Widget,  {
                // Y.Button prototype properties
                 * Bounding box template that will contain the Button's DOM subtree.
                 * @property BOUNDING_TEMPLATE
                 * @type {String}
                 * @default <button/>
                BOUNDING_TEMPLATE : ButtonCore.prototype.TEMPLATE,
                 * Content box template
                 * @property CONTENT_TEMPLATE
                 * @type {String}
                 * @default null
                CONTENT_TEMPLATE : null
            }, {
                // Y.Button static properties
                 * The identity of the widget.
                 * @property NAME
                 * @type String
                 * @default 'button'
                 * @readOnly
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                NAME: ButtonCore.NAME,
                 * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
                 * the Widget.
                 * @property ATTRS
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                ATTRS: ButtonCore.ATTRS,
                 * The text of the button's label
                 * @attribute label
                 * @type String
                 * The HTML of the button's label
                 * This attribute accepts HTML and inserts it into the DOM **without**
                 * sanitization.  This attribute should only be used with HTML that has
                 * either been escaped (using `Y.Escape.html`), or sanitized according to
                 * the requirements of your application.
                 * If all you need is support for text labels, please use the `label`
                 * attribute instead.
                 * @attribute labelHTML
                 * @type HTML
                 * @property HTML_PARSER
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                HTML_PARSER: {
                    labelHTML: ButtonCore._getHTMLFromNode,
                    disabled: ButtonCore._getDisabledFromNode
                 * List of class names used in the Button's DOM
                 * @property CLASS_NAMES
                 * @type Object
                 * @static
                CLASS_NAMES: CLASS_NAMES
            Y.mix(Button.prototype, ButtonCore.prototype);
             * Creates a ToggleButton
             * @class ToggleButton
             * @extends Button
             * @param config {Object} Configuration object
             * @constructor
            function ToggleButton() {
                Button.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
            // TODO: move to ButtonCore subclass to enable toggle plugin, widget, etc.
            /* ToggleButton extends Button */
            Y.extend(ToggleButton, Button,  {
                 * @property trigger
                 * @type {String}
                 * @default
                trigger: 'click',
                 * @property selectedAttrName
                 * @type {String}
                 * @default
                selectedAttrName: '',
                 * @method initializer
                initializer: function (config) {
                    var button = this,
                        type = button.get('type'),
                        selectedAttrName = (type === "checkbox" ? 'checked' : 'pressed'),
                        selectedState = config[selectedAttrName] || false;
                    // Create the checked/pressed attribute
                    button.addAttr(selectedAttrName, {
                        value: selectedState
                    button.selectedAttrName = selectedAttrName;
                 * @method destructor
                destructor: function () {
                    delete this.selectedAttrName;
                 * @method bindUI
                 * @description Hooks up events for the widget
                bindUI: function() {
                     var button = this,
                         cb = button.get('contentBox');
                    cb.on(button.trigger, button.toggle, button);
                    button.after(button.selectedAttrName + 'Change', button._afterSelectedChange);
                 * @method syncUI
                 * @description Syncs the UI for the widget
                syncUI: function() {
                    var button = this,
                        cb = button.get('contentBox'),
                        type = button.get('type'),
                        ROLES = ToggleButton.ARIA_ROLES,
                        role = (type === 'checkbox' ? ROLES.CHECKBOX : ROLES.TOGGLE),
                        selectedAttrName = button.selectedAttrName;
                    cb.set('role', role);
                 * @method _afterSelectedChange
                 * @private
                _afterSelectedChange: function(e){
                 * @method _uiSetSelected
                 * @private
                _uiSetSelected: function(value) {
                    var button = this,
                        cb = button.get('contentBox'),
                        STATES = ToggleButton.ARIA_STATES,
                        type = button.get('type'),
                        ariaState = (type === 'checkbox' ? STATES.CHECKED : STATES.PRESSED);
                    cb.toggleClass(Button.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED, value);
                    cb.set(ariaState, value);
                 * @method toggle
                 * @description Toggles the selected/pressed/checked state of a ToggleButton
                 * @public
                toggle: function() {
                    var button = this;
                    button._set(button.selectedAttrName, !button.get(button.selectedAttrName));
            }, {
                 * The identity of the widget.
                 * @property NAME
                 * @type {String}
                 * @default 'buttongroup'
                 * @readOnly
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                NAME: 'toggleButton',
                 * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
                 * the Widget.
                 * @property ATTRS
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                ATTRS: {
                    * @attribute type
                    * @type String
                    type: {
                        value: 'toggle',
                        writeOnce: 'initOnly'
                 * @property HTML_PARSER
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                HTML_PARSER: {
                    checked: function(node) {
                        return node.hasClass(CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
                    pressed: function(node) {
                        return node.hasClass(CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
                 * @property ARIA_STATES
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                ARIA_STATES: ARIA_STATES,
                 * @property ARIA_ROLES
                 * @type {Object}
                 * @protected
                 * @static
                ARIA_ROLES: ARIA_ROLES,
                 * Array of static constants used to identify the classnames applied to DOM nodes
                 * @property CLASS_NAMES
                 * @type Object
                 * @static
                CLASS_NAMES: CLASS_NAMES
            // Export
            Y.Button = Button;
            Y.ToggleButton = ToggleButton;