Version 3.18.1

File: charts/js/AxisBase.js

             * The axis-base submodule contains functionality for the handling of axis data in a chart.
             * @module charts
             * @submodule axis-base
             * An abstract class that provides the core functionality used by the following classes:
             * <ul>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "CategoryAxisBase"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "NumericAxisBase"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "StackedAxisBase"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "TimeAxisBase"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "CategoryAxis"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "NumericAxis"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "StackedAxis"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *      <li>{{#crossLink "TimeAxis"}}{{/crossLink}}</li>
             *  </ul>
             * @class AxisBase
             * @constructor
             * @extends Base
             * @uses Renderer
             * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters.
             * @submodule axis-base
            Y.AxisBase = Y.Base.create("axisBase", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], {
                 * @method initializer
                 * @private
                initializer: function()
                    this.after("minimumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this));
                    this.after("maximumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this));
                    this.after("keysChange", this._keyChangeHandler);
                    this.after("dataProviderChange", this._dataProviderChangeHandler);
                 * Returns the value corresponding to the origin on the axis.
                 * @method getOrigin
                 * @return Number
                getOrigin: function() {
                    return this.get("minimum");
                 * Handles changes to `dataProvider`.
                 * @method _dataProviderChangeHandler
                 * @param {Object} e Event object.
                 * @private
                _dataProviderChangeHandler: function()
                    var keyCollection = this.get("keyCollection").concat(),
                        keys = this.get("keys"),
                        for(i in keys)
                                delete keys[i];
                    if(keyCollection && keyCollection.length)
                        this.set("keys", keyCollection);
                 * Calculates the maximum and minimum values for the `Data`.
                 * @method _updateMinAndMax
                 * @private
                _updateMinAndMax: function() {
                 * Constant used to generate unique id.
                 * @property GUID
                 * @type String
                 * @private
                GUID: "yuibaseaxis",
                 * Type of data used in `Axis`.
                 * @property _type
                 * @type String
                 * @readOnly
                 * @private
                _type: null,
                 * Storage for `setMaximum` attribute.
                 * @property _setMaximum
                 * @type Object
                 * @private
                _setMaximum: null,
                 * Storage for `setMinimum` attribute.
                 * @property _setMinimum
                 * @type Object
                 * @private
                _setMinimum: null,
                 * Reference to data array.
                 * @property _data
                 * @type Array
                 * @private
                _data: null,
                 * Indicates whether the all data is up to date.
                 * @property _updateTotalDataFlag
                 * @type Boolean
                 * @private
                _updateTotalDataFlag: true,
                 * Storage for `dataReady` attribute.
                 * @property _dataReady
                 * @type Boolean
                 * @readOnly
                 * @private
                _dataReady: false,
                 * Adds an array to the key hash.
                 * @method addKey
                 * @param value Indicates what key to use in retrieving
                 * the array.
                addKey: function (value)
                    this.set("keys", value);
                 * Gets an array of values based on a key.
                 * @method _getKeyArray
                 * @param {String} key Value key associated with the data array.
                 * @param {Array} data Array in which the data resides.
                 * @return Array
                 * @private
                _getKeyArray: function(key, data)
                    var i = 0,
                        keyArray = [],
                        len = data.length;
                    for(; i < len; ++i)
                        obj = data[i];
                        keyArray[i] = obj[key];
                    return keyArray;
                 * Updates the total data array.
                 * @method _updateTotalData
                 * @private
                _updateTotalData: function()
            		var keys = this.get("keys"),
                    this._data = [];
                    for(i in keys)
                            this._data = this._data.concat(keys[i]);
                    this._updateTotalDataFlag = false;
                 * Removes an array from the key hash.
                 * @method removeKey
                 * @param {String} value Indicates what key to use in removing from
                 * the hash.
                removeKey: function(value)
                    var keys = this.get("keys");
                        delete keys[value];
                 * Returns a value based of a key value and an index.
                 * @method getKeyValueAt
                 * @param {String} key value used to look up the correct array
                 * @param {Number} index within the array
                 * @return Number
                getKeyValueAt: function(key, index)
                    var value = NaN,
                        keys = this.get("keys");
                    if(keys[key] && Y_Lang.isNumber(parseFloat(keys[key][index])))
                        value = keys[key][index];
                    return parseFloat(value);
                 * Returns values based on key identifiers. When a string is passed as an argument, an array of values is returned.
                 * When an array of keys is passed as an argument, an object literal with an array of values mapped to each key is
                 * returned.
                 * @method getDataByKey
                 * @param {String|Array} value value used to identify the array
                 * @return Array|Object
                getDataByKey: function (value)
                    var obj,
                        keys = this.get("keys");
                        obj = {};
                        len = value.length;
                        for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1)
                            key = value[i];
                                obj[key] = this.getDataByKey(key);
                    else if(keys[value])
                        obj = keys[value];
                        obj = null;
                    return obj;
                 * Returns the total number of majorUnits that will appear on an axis.
                 * @method getTotalMajorUnits
                 * @return Number
                getTotalMajorUnits: function()
                    var units,
                        majorUnit = this.get("styles").majorUnit;
                    units = majorUnit.count;
                    return units;
                 * Gets the distance that the first and last ticks are offset from there respective
                 * edges.
                 * @method getEdgeOffset
                 * @param {Number} ct Number of ticks on the axis.
                 * @param {Number} l Length (in pixels) of the axis.
                 * @return Number
                getEdgeOffset: function(ct, l)
                    var edgeOffset;
                    if(this.get("calculateEdgeOffset")) {
                        edgeOffset = (l/ct)/2;
                    } else {
                        edgeOffset = 0;
                    return edgeOffset;
                 * Updates the `Axis` after a change in keys.
                 * @method _keyChangeHandler
                 * @param {Object} e Event object.
                 * @private
                _keyChangeHandler: function()
                    this._updateTotalDataFlag = true;
                 * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides
                 * base implementation.
                 * @method _getDefaultStyles
                 * @return Object
                 * @protected
                _getDefaultStyles: function()
                    var axisstyles = {
                        majorUnit: {
                    return axisstyles;
                 * Getter method for maximum attribute.
                 * @method _maximumGetter
                 * @return Number
                 * @private
                _maximumGetter: function ()
                    var max = this.get("dataMaximum"),
                        min = this.get("minimum");
                    //If all values are zero, force a range so that the Axis and related series
                    //will still render.
                    if(min === 0 && max === 0)
                        max = 10;
                        max = this._setMaximum;
                    return parseFloat(max);
                 * Setter method for maximum attribute.
                 * @method _maximumSetter
                 * @param {Object} value
                 * @private
                _maximumSetter: function (value)
                    this._setMaximum = parseFloat(value);
                    return value;
                 * Getter method for minimum attribute.
                 * @method _minimumGetter
                 * @return Number
                 * @private
                _minimumGetter: function ()
                    var min = this.get("dataMinimum");
                        min = this._setMinimum;
                    return parseFloat(min);
                 * Setter method for minimum attribute.
                 * @method _minimumSetter
                 * @param {Object} value
                 * @private
                _minimumSetter: function(val)
                    this._setMinimum = parseFloat(val);
                    return val;
                 * Indicates whether or not the maximum attribute has been explicitly set.
                 * @method _getSetMax
                 * @return Boolean
                 * @private
                _getSetMax: function()
                    return Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMaximum);
                 * Returns and array of coordinates corresponding to an array of data values.
                 * @method _getCoordsFromValues
                 * @param {Number} min The minimum for the axis.
                 * @param {Number} max The maximum for the axis.
                 * @param {Number} length The distance that the axis spans.
                 * @param {Array} dataValues An array of values.
                 * @param {Number} offset Value in which to offset the coordinates.
                 * @param {Boolean} reverse Indicates whether the coordinates should start from
                 * the end of an axis. Only used in the numeric implementation.
                 * @return Array
                 * @private
                _getCoordsFromValues: function(min, max, length, dataValues, offset, reverse)
                    var i,
                        valuecoords = [],
                        len = dataValues.length;
                    for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1)
                        valuecoords.push(this._getCoordFromValue.apply(this, [min, max, length, dataValues[i], offset, reverse]));
                    return valuecoords;
                 * Returns and array of data values based on the axis' range and number of values.
                 * @method _getDataValuesByCount
                 * @param {Number} count The number of values to be used.
                 * @param {Number} min The minimum value of the axis.
                 * @param {Number} max The maximum value of the axis.
                 * @return Array
                 * @private
                _getDataValuesByCount: function(count, min, max)
                    var dataValues = [],
                        dataValue = min,
                        len = count - 1,
                        range = max - min,
                        increm = range/len,
                    for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1)
                        dataValue = dataValue + increm;
                    return dataValues;
                 * Indicates whether or not the minimum attribute has been explicitly set.
                 * @method _getSetMin
                 * @return Boolean
                 * @private
                _getSetMin: function()
                    return Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMinimum);
            }, {
                ATTRS: {
                     * Determines whether and offset is automatically calculated for the edges of the axis.
                     * @attribute calculateEdgeOffset
                     * @type Boolean
                    calculateEdgeOffset: {
                        value: false
                    labelFunction: {
                        valueFn: function() {
                            return this.formatLabel;
                     * Hash of array identifed by a string value.
                     * @attribute keys
                     * @type Object
                    keys: {
                        value: {},
                        setter: function(val)
                            var keys = {},
                                data = this.get("dataProvider");
                                len = val.length;
                                for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                                    keys[val[i]] = this._getKeyArray(val[i], data);
                            else if(Y_Lang.isString(val))
                                keys = this.get("keys");
                                keys[val] = this._getKeyArray(val, data);
                                for(i in val)
                                        keys[i] = this._getKeyArray(i, data);
                            this._updateTotalDataFlag = true;
                            return keys;
                     *Returns the type of axis data
                     *  <dl>
                     *      <dt>time</dt><dd>Manages time data</dd>
                     *      <dt>stacked</dt><dd>Manages stacked numeric data</dd>
                     *      <dt>numeric</dt><dd>Manages numeric data</dd>
                     *      <dt>category</dt><dd>Manages categorical data</dd>
                     *  </dl>
                     * @attribute type
                     * @type String
                        readOnly: true,
                        getter: function ()
                            return this._type;
                     * Instance of `ChartDataProvider` that the class uses
                     * to build its own data.
                     * @attribute dataProvider
                     * @type Array
                        setter: function (value)
                            return value;
                     * The maximum value contained in the `data` array. Used for
                     * `maximum` when `autoMax` is true.
                     * @attribute dataMaximum
                     * @type Number
                    dataMaximum: {
                        getter: function ()
                            return this._dataMaximum;
                     * The maximum value that will appear on an axis.
                     * @attribute maximum
                     * @type Number
                    maximum: {
                        lazyAdd: false,
                        getter: "_maximumGetter",
                        setter: "_maximumSetter"
                     * The minimum value contained in the `data` array. Used for
                     * `minimum` when `autoMin` is true.
                     * @attribute dataMinimum
                     * @type Number
                    dataMinimum: {
                        getter: function ()
                            return this._dataMinimum;
                     * The minimum value that will appear on an axis.
                     * @attribute minimum
                     * @type Number
                    minimum: {
                        lazyAdd: false,
                        getter: "_minimumGetter",
                        setter: "_minimumSetter"
                     * Determines whether the maximum is calculated or explicitly
                     * set by the user.
                     * @attribute setMax
                     * @type Boolean
                    setMax: {
                        readOnly: true,
                        getter: "_getSetMax"
                     * Determines whether the minimum is calculated or explicitly
                     * set by the user.
                     * @attribute setMin
                     * @type Boolean
                    setMin: {
                        readOnly: true,
                        getter: "_getSetMin"
                     * Array of axis data
                     * @attribute data
                     * @type Array
                    data: {
                        getter: function ()
                            if(!this._data || this._updateTotalDataFlag)
                            return this._data;
                     * Array containing all the keys in the axis.
                     * @attribute keyCollection
                     * @type Array
                    keyCollection: {
                        getter: function()
                            var keys = this.get("keys"),
                                col = [];
                            for(i in keys)
                            return col;
                        readOnly: true
                     * Object which should have by the labelFunction
                     * @attribute labelFunctionScope
                     * @type Object
                    labelFunctionScope: {}