File: charts/js/StackedAreaSplineSeries.js
- /**
- * Provides functionality for creating a stacked area spline series.
- *
- * @module charts
- * @submodule series-areaspline-stacked
- */
- /**
- * StackedAreaSplineSeries creates a stacked area chart with points data points connected by a curve.
- *
- * @class StackedAreaSplineSeries
- * @extends AreaSeries
- * @uses CurveUtil
- * @uses StackingUtil
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters.
- * @submodule series-areaspline-stacked
- */
- Y.StackedAreaSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("stackedAreaSplineSeries", Y.AreaSeries, [Y.CurveUtil, Y.StackingUtil], {
- /**
- * @protected
- *
- * Draws the series.
- *
- * @method drawSeries
- */
- drawSeries: function()
- {
- this._stackCoordinates();
- this.drawStackedAreaSpline();
- }
- }, {
- ATTRS : {
- /**
- * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series.
- *
- * @attribute type
- * @type String
- * @default stackedAreaSpline
- */
- type: {
- value:"stackedAreaSpline"
- }
- }
- });