Version 3.18.1

File: paginator/js/paginator-core.js

             Paginator's core functionality consists of keeping track of the current page
             being displayed and providing information for previous and next pages.
             @module paginator
             @submodule paginator-core
             @since 3.11.0
             _API docs for this extension are included in the Paginator class._
             Class extension providing the core API and structure for the Paginator module.
             Use this class extension with Widget or another Base-based superclass to
             create the basic Paginator model API and composing class structure.
             @class Paginator.Core
             @for Paginator
             @since 3.11.0
            var PaginatorCore = Y.namespace('Paginator').Core = function () {};
            PaginatorCore.ATTRS = {
                 Current page count. First page is 1.
                 @attribute page
                 @type Number
                 @default 1
                page: {
                    value: 1
                 Total number of pages to display
                 @attribute totalPages
                 @type Number
                totalPages: {
                    readOnly: true,
                    getter: '_getTotalPagesFn'
                 Maximum number of items per page. A value of negative one (-1) indicates
                     all items on one page.
                 @attribute itemsPerPage
                 @type Number
                 @default 10
                itemsPerPage: {
                    value: 10
                 Total number of items in all pages.
                 @attribute totalItems
                 @type Number
                 @default 0
                totalItems: {
                    value: 0
            Y.mix(PaginatorCore.prototype, {
                 Sets the page to the previous page in the set, if there is a previous page.
                 @method prevPage
                prevPage: function () {
                    if (this.hasPrevPage()) {
                        this.set('page', this.get('page') - 1);
                    return this;
                 Sets the page to the next page in the set, if there is a next page.
                 @method nextPage
                nextPage: function () {
                    if (this.hasNextPage()) {
                        this.set('page', this.get('page') + 1);
                    return this;
                 Returns True if there is a previous page in the set.
                 @method hasPrevPage
                 @return {Boolean} `true` if there is a previous page, `false` otherwise.
                hasPrevPage: function () {
                    return this.get('page') > 1;
                 Returns True if there is a next page in the set.
                 If totalItems isn't set, assume there is always next page.
                 @method hasNextPage
                 @return {Boolean} `true` if there is a next page, `false` otherwise.
                hasNextPage: function () {
                    return (!this.get('totalItems') || this.get('page') < this.get('totalPages'));
                //--- P R O T E C T E D
                 Returns the total number of pages based on the total number of
                   items provided and the number of items per page
                 @method _getTotalPagesFn
                 @return {Number} Total number of pages based on total number of items and
                   items per page or one if itemsPerPage is less than one
                _getTotalPagesFn: function () {
                    var itemsPerPage = this.get('itemsPerPage');
                    return (itemsPerPage < 1) ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.get('totalItems') / itemsPerPage);