Version 3.18.1

File: datatable/js/mutable.js

            Adds mutation convenience methods such as `table.addRow(data)` to `Y.DataTable`. (or other built class).
            @module datatable
            @submodule datatable-mutable
            @since 3.5.0
            var toArray = Y.Array,
                YLang   = Y.Lang,
                isString = YLang.isString,
                isArray  = YLang.isArray,
                isObject = YLang.isObject,
                isNumber = YLang.isNumber,
                arrayIndex = Y.Array.indexOf,
            _API docs for this extension are included in the DataTable class._
            Class extension to add mutation convenience methods to `Y.DataTable` (or other
            built class).
            Column mutation methods are paired with new custom events:
             * addColumn
             * removeColumn
             * modifyColumn
             * moveColumn
            Row mutation events are bubbled from the DataTable's `data` ModelList through
            the DataTable instance.
            @class DataTable.Mutable
            @for DataTable
            @since 3.5.0
            Y.namespace('DataTable').Mutable = Mutable = function () {};
            Mutable.ATTRS = {
                Controls whether `addRow`, `removeRow`, and `modifyRow` should trigger the
                underlying Model's sync layer by default.
                When `true`, it is unnecessary to pass the "sync" configuration property to
                those methods to trigger per-operation sync.
                @attribute autoSync
                @type {Boolean}
                @default `false`
                @since 3.5.0
                autoSync: {
                    value: false,
                    validator: YLang.isBoolean
            Y.mix(Mutable.prototype, {
                Adds the column configuration to the DataTable's `columns` configuration.
                If the `index` parameter is supplied, it is injected at that index.  If the
                table has nested headers, inject a subcolumn by passing an array of indexes
                to identify the new column's final location.
                The `index` parameter is required if adding a nested column.
                This method is a convienience method for fetching the DataTable's `columns`
                attribute, updating it, and calling
                `table.set('columns', _updatedColumnsDefs_)`
                For example:
                <pre><code>// Becomes last column
                // Inserted after the current second column, moving the current third column
                // to index 4
                table.addColumn({ key: 'price', formatter: currencyFormatter }, 2 );
                // Insert a new column in a set of headers three rows deep.  The index array
                // translates to
                // [ 2, --  in the third column's children
                //   1, --  in the second child's children
                //   3 ] -- as the fourth child column
                table.addColumn({ key: 'age', sortable: true }, [ 2, 1, 3 ]);
                @method addColumn
                @param {Object|String} config The new column configuration object
                @param {Number|Number[]} [index] the insertion index
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                addColumn: function (config, index) {
                    if (isString(config)) {
                        config = { key: config };
                    if (config) {
                        if (arguments.length < 2 || (!isNumber(index) && !isArray(index))) {
                            index = this.get('columns').length;
              'addColumn', {
                            column: config,
                            index: index
                    return this;
                Updates an existing column definition. Fires the `modifyColumn` event.
                For example:
                <pre><code>// Add a formatter to the existing 'price' column definition
                table.modifyColumn('price', { formatter: currencyFormatter });
                // Change the label on a header cell in a set of nested headers three rows
                // deep.  The index array translates to
                // [ 2,  -- in the third column's children
                //   1,  -- the second child
                //   3 ] -- the fourth child column
                table.modifyColumn([2, 1, 3], { label: 'Experience' });
                @method modifyColumn
                @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                            current configuration object
                @param {Object} config The new column configuration properties
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                modifyColumn: function (name, config) {
                    if (isString(config)) {
                        config = { key: config };
                    if (isObject(config)) {
              'modifyColumn', {
                            column: name,
                            newColumnDef: config
                    return this;
                Moves an existing column to a new location. Fires the `moveColumn` event.
                The destination index can be a number or array of numbers to place a column
                header in a nested header row.
                @method moveColumn
                @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                            current configuration object
                @param {Number|Number[]} index The destination index of the column
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                moveColumn: function (name, index) {
                    if (name !== undefined && (isNumber(index) || isArray(index))) {
              'moveColumn', {
                            column: name,
                            index: index
                    return this;
                Removes an existing column. Fires the `removeColumn` event.
                @method removeColumn
                @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                            current configuration object
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                removeColumn: function (name) {
                    if (name !== undefined) {
              'removeColumn', {
                            column: name
                    return this;
                Adds a new record to the DataTable's `data` ModelList.  Record data can be
                an object of field values or an instance of the DataTable's configured
                `recordType` class.
                This relays all parameters to the `data` ModelList's `add` method.
                If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
                has `sync: true` set, the underlying Model will be `save()`d.
                If the DataTable's `autoSync` attribute is set to `true`, the additional
                argument is not needed.
                If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
                as a callback to the Model's `save()` method.
                @method addRow
                @param {Object} data The data or Model instance for the new record
                @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
                @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's `save()`
                  @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
                    failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
                    succeeded, _err_ will be `null`.
                  @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
                    be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
                    return an attribute hash.
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                addRow: function (data, config) {
                    // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
                    var sync = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                            config.sync :
                        models, model, i, len, args;
                    if (data && {
                        models =, arguments);
                        if (sync) {
                            models = toArray(models);
                            args   = toArray(arguments, 1, true);
                            for (i = 0, len = models.length; i < len; ++i) {
                                model = models[i];
                                if (model.isNew()) {
                                    models[i].save.apply(models[i], args);
                    return this;
                Removes a record from the DataTable's `data` ModelList.  The record can be
                provided explicitly or targeted by it's `id` (see ModelList's `getById`
                method), `clientId`, or index in the ModelList.
                After locating the target Model, this relays the Model and all other passed
                arguments to the `data` ModelList's `remove` method.
                If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
                has `sync: true` set, the underlying Model will be destroyed, passing
                `{ delete: true }` to trigger calling the Model's sync layer.
                If the DataTable's `autoSync` attribute is set to `true`, the additional
                argument is not needed.
                If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
                as a callback to the Model's `destroy()` method.
                @method removeRow
                @param {Object|String|Number} id The Model instance or identifier
                @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
                @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's `save()`
                  @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
                    failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
                    succeeded, _err_ will be `null`.
                  @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
                    be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
                    return an attribute hash.
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                removeRow: function (id, config) {
                    var modelList =,
                        // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
                        sync      = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                                        config.sync :
                        models, model, i, len, args;
                    // TODO: support removing via DOM element. This should be relayed to View
                    if (isObject(id) && id instanceof this.get('recordType')) {
                        model = id;
                    } else if (modelList && id !== undefined) {
                        model = modelList.getById(id) ||
                                modelList.getByClientId(id) ||
                    if (model) {
                        args = toArray(arguments, 1, true);
                        models = modelList.remove.apply(modelList,
                        if (sync) {
                            if (!isObject(args[0])) {
                            args[0]['delete'] = true;
                            models = toArray(models);
                            for (i = 0, len = models.length; i < len; ++i) {
                                model = models[i];
                                model.destroy.apply(model, args);
                    return this;
                Updates an existing record in the DataTable's `data` ModelList.  The record
                can be provided explicitly or targeted by it's `id` (see ModelList's
                `getById` method), `clientId`, or index in the ModelList.
                After locating the target Model, this relays the all other passed
                arguments to the Model's `setAttrs` method.
                If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
                has `sync: true` set, the underlying Model will be `save()`d.
                If the DataTable's `autoSync` attribute is set to `true`, the additional
                argument is not needed.
                If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
                as a callback to the Model's `save()` method.
                @method modifyRow
                @param {Object|String|Number} id The Model instance or identifier
                @param {Object} data New data values for the Model
                @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along to `setAttrs()`
                @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's `save()`
                  @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
                    failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
                    succeeded, _err_ will be `null`.
                  @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
                    be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
                    return an attribute hash.
                @return {DataTable}
                @since 3.5.0
                modifyRow: function (id, data, config) {
                    var modelList =,
                        // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
                        sync      = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                                        config.sync :
                        model, args;
                    if (isObject(id) && id instanceof this.get('recordType')) {
                        model = id;
                    } else if (modelList && id !== undefined) {
                        model = modelList.getById(id) ||
                                modelList.getByClientId(id) ||
                    if (model && isObject(data)) {
                        args = toArray(arguments, 1, true);
                        model.setAttrs.apply(model, args);
                        if (sync && !model.isNew()) {
                  , args);
                    return this;
                // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Protected properties and methods
                // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Default function for the `addColumn` event.
                Inserts the specified column at the provided index.
                @method _defAddColumnFn
                @param {EventFacade} e The `addColumn` event
                    @param {Object} e.column The new column definition object
                    @param {Number|Number[]} e.index The array index to insert the new column
                @since 3.5.0
                _defAddColumnFn: function (e) {
                    var index   = toArray(e.index),
                        columns = this.get('columns'),
                        cols    = columns,
                        i, len;
                    for (i = 0, len = index.length - 1; cols && i < len; ++i) {
                        cols = cols[index[i]] && cols[index[i]].children;
                    if (cols) {
                        cols.splice(index[i], 0, e.column);
                        this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
                    } else { Y.log('addColumn index not findable', 'warn', 'datatable');
                Default function for the `modifyColumn` event.
                Mixes the new column properties into the specified column definition.
                @method _defModifyColumnFn
                @param {EventFacade} e The `modifyColumn` event
                    @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
                    @param {Object} e.newColumnDef The properties to assign to the column
                @since 3.5.0
                _defModifyColumnFn: function (e) {
                    var columns = this.get('columns'),
                        column  = this.getColumn(e.column);
                    if (column) {
                        Y.mix(column, e.newColumnDef, true);
                        this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
                    } else { Y.log('Could not locate column index to modify column', 'warn', 'datatable');
                Default function for the `moveColumn` event.
                Removes the specified column from its current location and inserts it at the
                specified array index (may be an array of indexes for nested headers).
                @method _defMoveColumnFn
                @param {EventFacade} e The `moveColumn` event
                    @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
                    @param {Object} e.index The destination index to move to
                @since 3.5.0
                _defMoveColumnFn: function (e) {
                    var columns = this.get('columns'),
                        column  = this.getColumn(e.column),
                        toIndex = toArray(e.index),
                        fromCols, fromIndex, toCols, i, len;
                    if (column) {
                        fromCols  = column._parent ? column._parent.children : columns;
                        fromIndex = arrayIndex(fromCols, column);
                        if (fromIndex > -1) {
                            toCols = columns;
                            for (i = 0, len = toIndex.length - 1; toCols && i < len; ++i) {
                                toCols = toCols[toIndex[i]] && toCols[toIndex[i]].children;
                            if (toCols) {
                                len = toCols.length;
                                fromCols.splice(fromIndex, 1);
                                toIndex = toIndex[i];
                                if (len > toCols.lenth) {
                                    // spliced off the same array, so adjust destination
                                    // index if necessary
                                    if (fromIndex < toIndex) {
                                toCols.splice(toIndex, 0, column);
                                this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
                            } else { Y.log('Column [' + e.column + '] could not be moved. Destination index invalid for moveColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');
                    } else { Y.log('Column [' + e.column + '] not found for moveColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');
                Default function for the `removeColumn` event.
                Splices the specified column from its containing columns array.
                @method _defRemoveColumnFn
                @param {EventFacade} e The `removeColumn` event
                    @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
                @since 3.5.0
                _defRemoveColumnFn: function (e) {
                    var columns = this.get('columns'),
                        column  = this.getColumn(e.column),
                        cols, index;
                    if (column) {
                        cols = column._parent ? column._parent.children : columns;
                        index = Y.Array.indexOf(cols, column);
                        if (index > -1) {
                            cols.splice(index, 1);
                            this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
                    } else { Y.log('Could not locate column [' + e.column + '] for removeColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');
                Publishes the events used by the mutation methods:
                 * addColumn
                 * removeColumn
                 * modifyColumn
                 * moveColumn
                @method initializer
                @since 3.5.0
                initializer: function () {
                        addColumn:    { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defAddColumnFn', this) },
                        removeColumn: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRemoveColumnFn', this) },
                        moveColumn:   { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defMoveColumnFn', this) },
                        modifyColumn: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defModifyColumnFn', this) }
            Adds an array of new records to the DataTable's `data` ModelList.  Record data
            can be an array of objects containing field values or an array of instance of
            the DataTable's configured `recordType` class.
            This relays all parameters to the `data` ModelList's `add` method.
            Technically, this is an alias to `addRow`, but please use the appropriately
            named method for readability.
            If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
            has `sync: true` set, the underlying Models will be `save()`d.
            If the DataTable's `autoSync` attribute is set to `true`, the additional
            argument is not needed.
            If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
            as a callback to each Model's `save()` method.
            @method addRows
            @param {Object[]} data The data or Model instances to add
            @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
            @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for each Model's `save()`
              @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
                failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
                succeeded, _err_ will be `null`.
              @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
                be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and
                return an attribute hash.
            @return {DataTable}
            @since 3.5.0
            Mutable.prototype.addRows = Mutable.prototype.addRow;
            // Add feature APIs to public Y.DataTable class
            if (YLang.isFunction(Y.DataTable)) {
                Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Mutable]);
            Fired by the `addColumn` method.
            @event addColumn
            @preventable _defAddColumnFn
            @param {Object} column The new column definition object
            @param {Number|Number[]} index The array index to insert the new column
            @since 3.5.0
            Fired by the `removeColumn` method.
            @event removeColumn
            @preventable _defRemoveColumnFn
            @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier
            @since 3.5.0
            Fired by the `modifyColumn` method.
            @event modifyColumn
            @preventable _defModifyColumnFn
            @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier
            @param {Object} newColumnDef The properties to assign to the column
            @since 3.5.0
            Fired by the `moveColumn` method.
            @event moveColumn
            @preventable _defMoveColumnFn
            @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier
            @param {Object} index The destination index to move to
            @since 3.5.0