Version 3.18.1

File: dd/js/dd-drop-plugin.js

                    * Simple Drop plugin that can be attached to a Node via the plug method.
                    * @module dd
                    * @submodule dd-drop-plugin
                    * Simple Drop plugin that can be attached to a Node via the plug method.
                    * @class Drop
                    * @extends DD.Drop
                    * @constructor
                    * @namespace Plugin
                    var Drop = function(config) {
                        config.node =;
                        Drop.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                    * dd-drop-plugin
                    * @property NAME
                    * @type {String}
                    Drop.NAME = "dd-drop-plugin";
                    * The Drop instance will be placed on the Node instance under the drop namespace. It can be accessed via Node.drop;
                    * @property NS
                    * @type {String}
                    Drop.NS = "drop";
                    Y.extend(Drop, Y.DD.Drop);
                    Y.Plugin.Drop = Drop;