/** * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/the-canvas-element.html">Canvas</a> implementation of the `Graphic` class. * `CanvasGraphic` is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use the <a href="Graphic.html">`Graphic`</a> class. * If the browser lacks <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/">SVG</a> capabilities but has * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/the-canvas-element.html">Canvas</a> capabilities, the <a href="Graphic.html">`Graphic`</a> * class will point to the `CanvasGraphic` class. * * @module graphics * @class CanvasGraphic * @constructor */ function CanvasGraphic() { CanvasGraphic.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } CanvasGraphic.NAME = "canvasGraphic"; CanvasGraphic.ATTRS = { /** * Whether or not to render the `Graphic` automatically after to a specified parent node after init. This can be a Node * instance or a CSS selector string. * * @config render * @type Node | String */ render: {}, /** * Unique id for class instance. * * @config id * @type String */ id: { valueFn: function() { return Y.guid(); }, setter: function(val) { var node = this._node; if(node) { node.setAttribute("id", val); } return val; } }, /** * Key value pairs in which a shape instance is associated with its id. * * @config shapes * @type Object * @readOnly */ shapes: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._shapes; } }, /** * Object containing size and coordinate data for the content of a Graphic in relation to the graphic instance's position. * * @config contentBounds * @type Object * @readOnly */ contentBounds: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._contentBounds; } }, /** * The outermost html element of the Graphic instance. * * @config node * @type HTMLElement * @readOnly */ node: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._node; } }, /** * Indicates the width of the `Graphic`. * * @config width * @type Number */ width: { setter: function(val) { if(this._node) { this._node.style.width = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates the height of the `Graphic`. * * @config height * @type Number */ height: { setter: function(val) { if(this._node) { this._node.style.height = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Determines the sizing of the Graphic. * * <dl> * <dt>sizeContentToGraphic</dt><dd>The Graphic's width and height attributes are, either explicitly set through the * <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The * content contained in the Graphic will be sized to fit with in the Graphic instance's dimensions. When using this * setting, the <code>preserveAspectRatio</code> attribute will determine how the contents are sized.</dd> * <dt>sizeGraphicToContent</dt><dd>(Also accepts a value of true) The Graphic's width and height are determined by the * size and positioning of the content.</dd> * <dt>false</dt><dd>The Graphic's width and height attributes are, either explicitly set through the <code>width</code> * and <code>height</code> attributes or are determined by the dimensions of the parent element. The contents of the * Graphic instance are not affected by this setting.</dd> * </dl> * * * @config autoSize * @type Boolean | String * @default false */ autoSize: { value: false }, /** * Determines how content is sized when <code>autoSize</code> is set to <code>sizeContentToGraphic</code>. * * <dl> * <dt>none<dt><dd>Do not force uniform scaling. Scale the graphic content of the given element non-uniformly if necessary * such that the element's bounding box exactly matches the viewport rectangle.</dd> * <dt>xMinYMin</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling position along the top left of the Graphic's node.</dd> * <dt>xMidYMin</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling horizontally centered and positioned at the top of the Graphic's node.<dd> * <dt>xMaxYMin</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically from the top.</dd> * <dt>xMinYMid</dt>Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the left and vertically centered.</dd> * <dt>xMidYMid (the default)</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling with the content centered.</dd> * <dt>xMaxYMid</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically centered.</dd> * <dt>xMinYMax</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the left and vertically from the bottom.</dd> * <dt>xMidYMax</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling horizontally centered and position vertically from the bottom.</dd> * <dt>xMaxYMax</dt><dd>Force uniform scaling positioned horizontally from the right and vertically from the bottom.</dd> * </dl> * * @config preserveAspectRatio * @type String * @default xMidYMid */ preserveAspectRatio: { value: "xMidYMid" }, /** * The contentBounds will resize to greater values but not smaller values. (for performance) * When resizing the contentBounds down is desirable, set the resizeDown value to true. * * @config resizeDown * @type Boolean */ resizeDown: { value: false }, /** * Indicates the x-coordinate for the instance. * * @config x * @type Number */ x: { getter: function() { return this._x; }, setter: function(val) { this._x = val; if(this._node) { this._node.style.left = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates the y-coordinate for the instance. * * @config y * @type Number */ y: { getter: function() { return this._y; }, setter: function(val) { this._y = val; if(this._node) { this._node.style.top = val + "px"; } return val; } }, /** * Indicates whether or not the instance will automatically redraw after a change is made to a shape. * This property will get set to false when batching operations. * * @config autoDraw * @type Boolean * @default true * @private */ autoDraw: { value: true }, /** * Indicates whether the `Graphic` and its children are visible. * * @config visible * @type Boolean */ visible: { value: true, setter: function(val) { this._toggleVisible(val); return val; } } }; Y.extend(CanvasGraphic, Y.GraphicBase, { /** * Sets the value of an attribute. * * @method set * @param {String|Object} name The name of the attribute. Alternatively, an object of key value pairs can * be passed in to set multiple attributes at once. * @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to. This value is ignored if an object is received as * the name param. */ set: function() { var host = this, attr = arguments[0], redrawAttrs = { autoDraw: true, autoSize: true, preserveAspectRatio: true, resizeDown: true }, key, forceRedraw = false; AttributeLite.prototype.set.apply(host, arguments); if(host._state.autoDraw === true && Y.Object.size(this._shapes) > 0) { if(Y_LANG.isString && redrawAttrs[attr]) { forceRedraw = true; } else if(Y_LANG.isObject(attr)) { for(key in redrawAttrs) { if(redrawAttrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && attr[key]) { forceRedraw = true; break; } } } } if(forceRedraw) { host._redraw(); } }, /** * Storage for `x` attribute. * * @property _x * @type Number * @private */ _x: 0, /** * Storage for `y` attribute. * * @property _y * @type Number * @private */ _y: 0, /** * Gets the current position of the graphic instance in page coordinates. * * @method getXY * @return Array The XY position of the shape. */ getXY: function() { var node = this._node, xy; if(node) { xy = Y.DOM.getXY(node); } return xy; }, /** * Initializes the class. * * @method initializer * @param {Object} config Optional attributes * @private */ initializer: function() { var render = this.get("render"), visibility = this.get("visible") ? "visible" : "hidden", w = this.get("width") || 0, h = this.get("height") || 0; this._shapes = {}; this._redrawQueue = {}; this._contentBounds = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; this._node = DOCUMENT.createElement('div'); this._node.style.position = "absolute"; this._node.style.visibility = visibility; this.set("width", w); this.set("height", h); if(render) { this.render(render); } }, /** * Adds the graphics node to the dom. * * @method render * @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into. */ render: function(render) { var parentNode = render || DOCUMENT.body, node = this._node, w, h; if(render instanceof Y.Node) { parentNode = render._node; } else if(Y.Lang.isString(render)) { parentNode = Y.Selector.query(render, DOCUMENT.body, true); } w = this.get("width") || parseInt(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(parentNode, "width"), 10); h = this.get("height") || parseInt(Y.DOM.getComputedStyle(parentNode, "height"), 10); parentNode.appendChild(node); node.style.display = "block"; node.style.position = "absolute"; node.style.left = this.get("x") + "px"; node.style.top = this.get("y") + "px"; this.set("width", w); this.set("height", h); this.parentNode = parentNode; return this; }, /** * Removes all nodes. * * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { this.removeAllShapes(); if(this._node) { this._removeChildren(this._node); if(this._node.parentNode) { this._node.parentNode.removeChild(this._node); } this._node = null; } }, /** * Generates a shape instance by type. * * @method addShape * @param {Object} cfg attributes for the shape * @return Shape */ addShape: function(cfg) { cfg.graphic = this; if(!this.get("visible")) { cfg.visible = false; } var ShapeClass = this._getShapeClass(cfg.type), shape = new ShapeClass(cfg); this._appendShape(shape); return shape; }, /** * Adds a shape instance to the graphic instance. * * @method _appendShape * @param {Shape} shape The shape instance to be added to the graphic. * @private */ _appendShape: function(shape) { var node = shape.node, parentNode = this._frag || this._node; if(this.get("autoDraw")) { parentNode.appendChild(node); } else { this._getDocFrag().appendChild(node); } }, /** * Removes a shape instance from from the graphic instance. * * @method removeShape * @param {Shape|String} shape The instance or id of the shape to be removed. */ removeShape: function(shape) { if(!(shape instanceof CanvasShape)) { if(Y_LANG.isString(shape)) { shape = this._shapes[shape]; } } if(shape && shape instanceof CanvasShape) { shape._destroy(); delete this._shapes[shape.get("id")]; } if(this.get("autoDraw")) { this._redraw(); } return shape; }, /** * Removes all shape instances from the dom. * * @method removeAllShapes */ removeAllShapes: function() { var shapes = this._shapes, i; for(i in shapes) { if(shapes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shapes[i].destroy(); } } this._shapes = {}; }, /** * Clears the graphics object. * * @method clear */ clear: function() { this.removeAllShapes(); }, /** * Removes all child nodes. * * @method _removeChildren * @param {HTMLElement} node * @private */ _removeChildren: function(node) { if(node && node.hasChildNodes()) { var child; while(node.firstChild) { child = node.firstChild; this._removeChildren(child); node.removeChild(child); } } }, /** * Toggles visibility * * @method _toggleVisible * @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye * @private */ _toggleVisible: function(val) { var i, shapes = this._shapes, visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden"; if(shapes) { for(i in shapes) { if(shapes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shapes[i].set("visible", val); } } } if(this._node) { this._node.style.visibility = visibility; } }, /** * Returns a shape class. Used by `addShape`. * * @method _getShapeClass * @param {Shape | String} val Indicates which shape class. * @return Function * @private */ _getShapeClass: function(val) { var shape = this._shapeClass[val]; if(shape) { return shape; } return val; }, /** * Look up for shape classes. Used by `addShape` to retrieve a class for instantiation. * * @property _shapeClass * @type Object * @private */ _shapeClass: { circle: Y.CanvasCircle, rect: Y.CanvasRect, path: Y.CanvasPath, ellipse: Y.CanvasEllipse, pieslice: Y.CanvasPieSlice }, /** * Returns a shape based on the id of its dom node. * * @method getShapeById * @param {String} id Dom id of the shape's node attribute. * @return Shape */ getShapeById: function(id) { var shape = this._shapes[id]; return shape; }, /** * Allows for creating multiple shapes in order to batch appending and redraw operations. * * @method batch * @param {Function} method Method to execute. */ batch: function(method) { var autoDraw = this.get("autoDraw"); this.set("autoDraw", false); method(); this.set("autoDraw", autoDraw); }, /** * Returns a document fragment to for attaching shapes. * * @method _getDocFrag * @return DocumentFragment * @private */ _getDocFrag: function() { if(!this._frag) { this._frag = DOCUMENT.createDocumentFragment(); } return this._frag; }, /** * Redraws all shapes. * * @method _redraw * @private */ _redraw: function() { var autoSize = this.get("autoSize"), preserveAspectRatio = this.get("preserveAspectRatio"), box = this.get("resizeDown") ? this._getUpdatedContentBounds() : this._contentBounds, contentWidth, contentHeight, w, h, xScale, yScale, translateX = 0, translateY = 0, matrix, node = this.get("node"); if(autoSize) { if(autoSize === "sizeContentToGraphic") { contentWidth = box.right - box.left; contentHeight = box.bottom - box.top; w = parseFloat(Y_DOM.getComputedStyle(node, "width")); h = parseFloat(Y_DOM.getComputedStyle(node, "height")); matrix = new Y.Matrix(); if(preserveAspectRatio === "none") { xScale = w/contentWidth; yScale = h/contentHeight; } else { if(contentWidth/contentHeight !== w/h) { if(contentWidth * h/contentHeight > w) { xScale = yScale = w/contentWidth; translateY = this._calculateTranslate(preserveAspectRatio.slice(5).toLowerCase(), contentHeight * w/contentWidth, h); } else { xScale = yScale = h/contentHeight; translateX = this._calculateTranslate(preserveAspectRatio.slice(1, 4).toLowerCase(), contentWidth * h/contentHeight, w); } } } Y_DOM.setStyle(node, "transformOrigin", "0% 0%"); translateX = translateX - (box.left * xScale); translateY = translateY - (box.top * yScale); matrix.translate(translateX, translateY); matrix.scale(xScale, yScale); Y_DOM.setStyle(node, "transform", matrix.toCSSText()); } else { this.set("width", box.right); this.set("height", box.bottom); } } if(this._frag) { this._node.appendChild(this._frag); this._frag = null; } }, /** * Determines the value for either an x or y value to be used for the <code>translate</code> of the Graphic. * * @method _calculateTranslate * @param {String} position The position for placement. Possible values are min, mid and max. * @param {Number} contentSize The total size of the content. * @param {Number} boundsSize The total size of the Graphic. * @return Number * @private */ _calculateTranslate: function(position, contentSize, boundsSize) { var ratio = boundsSize - contentSize, coord; switch(position) { case "mid" : coord = ratio * 0.5; break; case "max" : coord = ratio; break; default : coord = 0; break; } return coord; }, /** * Adds a shape to the redraw queue and calculates the contentBounds. Used internally * by `Shape` instances. * * @method addToRedrawQueue * @param Shape shape The shape instance to add to the queue * @protected */ addToRedrawQueue: function(shape) { var shapeBox, box; this._shapes[shape.get("id")] = shape; if(!this.get("resizeDown")) { shapeBox = shape.getBounds(); box = this._contentBounds; box.left = box.left < shapeBox.left ? box.left : shapeBox.left; box.top = box.top < shapeBox.top ? box.top : shapeBox.top; box.right = box.right > shapeBox.right ? box.right : shapeBox.right; box.bottom = box.bottom > shapeBox.bottom ? box.bottom : shapeBox.bottom; this._contentBounds = box; } if(this.get("autoDraw")) { this._redraw(); } }, /** * Recalculates and returns the `contentBounds` for the `Graphic` instance. * * @method _getUpdatedContentBounds * @return {Object} * @private */ _getUpdatedContentBounds: function() { var bounds, i, shape, queue = this._shapes, box = {}; for(i in queue) { if(queue.hasOwnProperty(i)) { shape = queue[i]; bounds = shape.getBounds(); box.left = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.left) ? Math.min(box.left, bounds.left) : bounds.left; box.top = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.top) ? Math.min(box.top, bounds.top) : bounds.top; box.right = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.right) ? Math.max(box.right, bounds.right) : bounds.right; box.bottom = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.bottom) ? Math.max(box.bottom, bounds.bottom) : bounds.bottom; } } box.left = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.left) ? box.left : 0; box.top = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.top) ? box.top : 0; box.right = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.right) ? box.right : 0; box.bottom = Y_LANG.isNumber(box.bottom) ? box.bottom : 0; this._contentBounds = box; return box; }, /** * Inserts shape on the top of the tree. * * @method _toFront * @param {CanvasShape} Shape to add. * @private */ _toFront: function(shape) { var contentNode = this.get("node"); if(shape instanceof Y.CanvasShape) { shape = shape.get("node"); } if(contentNode && shape) { contentNode.appendChild(shape); } }, /** * Inserts shape as the first child of the content node. * * @method _toBack * @param {CanvasShape} Shape to add. * @private */ _toBack: function(shape) { var contentNode = this.get("node"), targetNode; if(shape instanceof Y.CanvasShape) { shape = shape.get("node"); } if(contentNode && shape) { targetNode = contentNode.firstChild; if(targetNode) { contentNode.insertBefore(shape, targetNode); } else { contentNode.appendChild(shape); } } } }); Y.CanvasGraphic = CanvasGraphic;