File: graphics/js/CanvasPieSlice.js
* Draws pie slices
* @module graphics
* @class CanvasPieSlice
* @constructor
CanvasPieSlice = function()
CanvasPieSlice.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
CanvasPieSlice.NAME = "canvasPieSlice";
Y.extend(CanvasPieSlice, Y.CanvasShape, {
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @type String
* @private
_type: "path",
* Change event listener
* @private
* @method _updateHandler
_draw: function()
var x = this.get("cx"),
y = this.get("cy"),
startAngle = this.get("startAngle"),
arc = this.get("arc"),
radius = this.get("radius");
this._left = x;
this._right = radius;
this._top = y;
this._bottom = radius;
this.drawWedge(x, y, startAngle, arc, radius);
CanvasPieSlice.ATTRS = Y.mix({
cx: {
value: 0
cy: {
value: 0
* Starting angle in relation to a circle in which to begin the pie slice drawing.
* @config startAngle
* @type Number
startAngle: {
value: 0
* Arc of the slice.
* @config arc
* @type Number
arc: {
value: 0
* Radius of the circle in which the pie slice is drawn
* @config radius
* @type Number
radius: {
value: 0
}, Y.CanvasShape.ATTRS);
Y.CanvasPieSlice = CanvasPieSlice;